BICOM Official Distributor
- All the support you need to get the results you want.
Complete product training free of charge. - All our distributors have technical and sales skills to spread our products according to our standard quality level assuring best support to the final customers.
- All the technical & sales support you need. Access to Bicom marketing material.
The responsibility of the distributor is to respect the values and apply the know-how of BICOM, to know the import procedures, all the specific standards concerning his own country.
He will have to train one or more technicians to independently manage the management of the machinery. He will be the guarantor of good management, start-up of the machines and maintenance of the units.
To obtain the quality of Official Distributor it is necessary to formalize a request to BICOM with a complete description of his profile and his project. When the project and the selection parameters are satisfied, BICOM will be able to grant the status of Official Distributor.
This implies the mutual respect of contractual obligations for the entire duration of the commercial relationship.